Pleasure Island Experience 2024

How to Prepare &
What to Expect!

2024 Pleasure Island Event

October 17th through 20th, 2024

Important Event Details

We are thrilled you joining us for the 2024 Pleasure Island Event!!!

We’ve been preparing for your arrival and we want to make sure you have everything you need in order to create powerful breakthroughs and a sexy transformational experience for you.

In preparation for our time together, please read the event information thoroughly, it contains all of your “Need to Know” information for the event.



Renaissance Denver Central Park Hotel
3801 Quebec Street
Denver, CO


Parking at the venue:

There is a parking garage attached to the hotel. Availability is on a first come, first served basis.

If the lot is full, there is a residential neighborhood behind the hotel where we are told parking is easy and plentiful.

Parking for event attendees is free, however you must follow these instructions to get your parking complimentary.

Daily Parking:

If you are parking onsite as you enter the garage you will see a QR code that you’ll need to scan to register your car.  In order to receive the complimentary parking, you will need to enter a code at checkout, which will zero out the charges. You will have to do this each day if you are parking daily.

The code is:  E9FA1737

Long Term Parking (You’re parking your car for the duration of your stay): 

The front desk will ask you if you parked in the garage and add this to your guest information. We would recommend that you bring this to their attention when checking in, to make sure they give you free parking for your stay. We also recommend that you scan the QR code when you park, to make sure you cover all bases.


We do not have a room block so we advise you to book your room sooner rather than later to ensure you get accommodations on site. Staying at the venue allows you to be in the juiciness of all the fun and excitement! Enriching your experience with spaciousness, connection and flow.

Renaissance Denver Central Park Hotel


This is a workshop experience, where each segment of the event builds on the next. This is not a convention style event where you pick and choose from different breakout rooms.

We highly recommend you come prepared to attend all sessions and you arrive at the hotel to get registered well ahead of the first Thursday evening session. 

Our opening evening session is on Thursday night at 7pm MST (Register earlier in the day and make sure you’re ready to go by 6:45pm in the main event room).

You must be registered to be granted access to the event sessions.


Though we will invite you to participate in many activities and exercises, you will always be given the option to decline.

Boundaries and consent are an essential element of what we’re teaching this weekend. We assert that you’ll get the most out of every session, if you boldly jump in and play along, however, it is important to regulate your involvement to meet your personal capacity, nervous system and needs.

Part of attending this event is taking responsibility for your own well being and knowing what you have the capacity to handle.


You can find the start and end times for the event session below, however…

We don’t release the details about each session for many reasons.

Here are a few of those reasons:

  • We like to have you be in the moment and experiencing delight and surprise.
  • You may not understand what a session is about, because you haven’t experienced the subject matter before. It can be easy to dismiss something or shy away from something we don’t know or understand. But you’re coming for adventure and expansion, yes?
  • And we sometimes change our curriculum to meet the moment, and we do not want to set expectations that sometimes need to shift in order for us to fulfill the promise of the event.

Again, if you choose to opt out of a session or you are a “No” to a particular practice we invite you to do, your “No” will be honored. No coercion should be experienced from anyone on our team. We can’t assure you that other participants will have the same skills to support you in your “no”, but we’ll work to teach everyone to respect each other’s boundaries at this event.


A standard event ticket includes a boxed lunch on Saturday, October 19th & Sunday, October 20th. All other meals are your responsibility. There is a restaurant on site and restaurants within walking distance to the venue. You will receive an email from us asking for any food allergies. Please note that if you do not respond to the food allergies email by October 3rd we will not be able to accommodate any special requests or allergies for your meal, but you will still receive a boxed lunch for both days.

Breaks and more lunch specifics:

We take 15 to 30 minute breaks approximately every 90 minutes.

Lunch and dinner breaks are at least 90 minutes in length:

Regular Ticket Holders: There will be a box lunch for regular ticket holders provided on Saturday and Sunday of the event.

For your Friday lunch convenience, there is a restaurant in the hotel (It may be very busy) and a few nice chain restaurants within walking distance of the hotel

VIP Ticket Holders: You will receive a private buffet and sit-down lunch all 3 days of the event and The Sensual Feast dinner with Jaiya and Ian on Friday evening.


If you have been to live events before, you know that the temperature of the room can shift during the day. Make sure that you bring layers of clothing to each session, so that you can remain comfortable and undistracted.

Dress so that you feel alive, sexy, expressed and comfortable! Make sure your clothing won’t distract from your focus and ability to learn.

We will be having an Erotic Ball so you are invited to bring clothing that expresses your erotic expression. Please note that there is no genital nudity. If your nipples show please tape over them – this applies to all genders. 


  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Layers to adjust to changing temperatures in the room
  • Erotic Ball clothing
  • Your Open Mind
  • Water Bottle


You may already feel the excitement (or resistance) showing up as the date of the event draws nearer. It’s perfectly normal to feel some butterflies in your stomach.

Here is a short list of things you can start to think about as the event approaches:

  • What do I want to get out of this event? If I could leave having learned something new or broken through in one area, what would it be?
  • How do I want to feel when I arrive at the event? When I leave the event? What can I do with my mindset to help me experience what I say I want?
  • What would I like to contribute to the community of people coming to the event?
  • What are the negative thoughts that might sabotage my experience?
  • What positive thoughts could I start to tell my mind instead?


Thursday, October 17th

  • Pre Registration: 2:00pm-3:30pm
  • Registration: 5:30pm-6:45pm
  • Doors Open: 6:45pm
    ◦ Must be registered to enter the event
  • Day Begins: 7:00pm
  • Day Closes: 10:00pm

Friday, October 18th

  • Doors Open: 8:45am
  • Day Begins: 9:00am Sharp*
  • Session Closes: 5:30pm
  • Blueprint Immersion Experience Sessions: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
  • Erotic Truth Exhibit Sessions: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
  • Zen Den, Light & Sound Therapy Sessions: 7:00pm – 9:30pm

Saturday, October 19th

  • Doors Open: 8:45am
  • Day Starts: 9:00am
  • Day Closes: 10:00pm

Sunday, October 20th

  • Doors Open: 9:45am
  • Day Starts: 10:00am
  • Day Closes: 4:30pm

*If you are late to a session you will may not be admitted to the room depending on the content of the segment. You will need to wait for the next break to be admitted into the room.

*Breaks are planned every 90 minutes – 2 hours.

*While we aim to be complete by our scheduled end times each day, it is hard to say an exact time because of the nature of the work. So please keep the end of your day open in the event that we go over.


This is a high on life event!

Our content is racy and in the NC-17 zone, however, in the session rooms there will be no nudity or overt “sexual” acts. Sorry Sexual types. People may be very expressive and skirt the edges of nudity in the space, but we will not offer the opportunity for genital exposure or nipple exposure.

We also have created a rule of “nipple equality.” Because certain genders are required to cover their nipples, we adopted a rule that ALL participants must have their nipples covered, so we could be in solidarity with those who do not have the option to be bare chested.

We will have some body tape options on site for you, if you or your Erotic Persona likes to be largely exposed on top.

Please make efforts to cover yourself in lobby and community areas, as other patrons of the hotel may not be part of our event.

No exogenous drugs or alcohol are permitted in the event space or during our sessions.

We will amp up your hormones and create enhanced states of consciousness using breathwork and pleasure practices. No need for extra additives. 

For your own safety and the safety of others, please do not ingest inebriates or come to any sessions we offer in an artificially altered state created by the use of any drugs (Legal or illegal) or alcohol.

You may have prescribed medications for use for your own well-being. You are responsible to know your own capacity to navigate your mental and emotional condition using prescribed medications. We can not and will not make that determination for you.


Please act responsibly regarding your physical health and how your health may affect other attendees. If you are ill or suspect you are ill, please opt out of attending.

We are expecting several hundred attendees for this event. There are many viruses and communicable illnesses that are part of our daily lives.

We will not be requiring any form of masking or social distancing at this event, besides what you explicitly declare for yourself and your own boundaries. This means that you are welcome to wear a mask and your choice will be honored. This means that if you wish to maintain physical distance between yourself and other attendees, you will be responsible for managing how to be successful with your own personal requirements in this regard.

At this event we encourage people to NOT touch each other without explicit permission/consent to do so and we educate attendees about boundaries and consent conversations and behaviors. We are not able to police the behaviors of all attendees, but assist in situations that may be called to our attention.

Specific expectations regarding illness at the event.

  1. You are 100% responsible for your choice to attend and you take 100% responsibility for any risk of contracting an illness.
  2. Please, please, please… If you are not feeling well in any regard, and have any suspicion that you may be ill, be responsible and do not attend the event or come to our public sessions. We are all in care of each other. Though it can be disappointing to miss the event or a portion of the event, it is the compassionate, kind and responsible choice to not attend. We greatly appreciate this personal sacrifice, should it be necessary to take this action.

There will be no refunds for personal illness, as we are unable to control these external circumstances.



Please always check your promotions and other inboxes for emails from us. We get lost there quite often!

If you have other questions we have not answered here, please reach out to customer service at [email protected].

Don’t wait until the last minute to get your logistical questions answered!!

With our care team we are often handling a large volume of inquiries, especially during big event weeks.

Allow up to 48 hours for a response, but we do our best to get back to you within a day.

[email protected]