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2 More Intimate Evenings with Jaiya

Explore the Erotic Blueprints® with their creator,
And Discover Untold Stories behind the Best-Selling Book…
‘Your Blueprint for Pleasure’
January 9th
5pm PST / 8pm EST
Covering… Introduction through Chapter 5
January 23rd
5pm PST / 8pm EST
Covering… Chapters 6 through 12
February 6th
5pm PST / 8pm EST

Covering… Chapters 13 through 17

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If You Haven't Ordered Your Book Yet - At the Links Below...

Get Your Paperback, or Kindle Today Or Pre-Order Your Audible

(Audible Version Released January 9th)

Your Blueprint for Pleasure reveals how the 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™ empower you to craft a vital, fulfilling, and orgasmicaly satisfying sex life. How, through pleasure, you can awaken to the deepest truth of who you are.

(Audible version available January 9th, 2024)

If You Haven't Ordered Your Book Yet - At the Links Below...

Get Your Paperback, or Kindle Today Or Pre-Order Your Audible

(Audible Version Released January 9th)
From Jaiya, the Creator of The Erotic Blueprints®
Comes The Revolutionary New Book

Your Blueprint for Pleasure

(Audible version available January 9th, 2024)

The Ultimate User’s Guide for Sexual Satisfaction and
How to Use Pleasure as a Path to Your Deepest Awakening

Your Blueprint for Pleasure reveals how the 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™ empower you to craft a vital, fulfilling, and orgasmicaly satisfying sex life. How, through pleasure, you can awaken to the deepest truth of who you are.

I am thrilled to dive into the book with you and explore all the possibilities available for your own erotic evolution and awakening.

With love,

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