You Deserve Sex Life Satisfaction!

You Deserve Sex Life Satisfaction!

Get Jaiya's book Club Recordings,
Over $408.00 of Powerful Bonus Trainings and
Lifetime Access to Our Exclusive Online Community


The ‘Pleasure Bundle’ Tool Kit

Over $408.00 of Value…

(*These Bonuses will be accessed inside of our Free online Membership Community)

Satisfaction can be yours
The Pleasure Bundle:

Satisfaction can be yours
The Pleasure Bundle:

How You Get Results With The Pleasure Bundle

1) Know Your Pleasure

Discovering your Primary Blueprint Type is just the beginning…

  • Get Your 28 Page Customized Blueprint Report 
    Value $17.00
    Explore your Erotic Superpowers in your personalized Report: Your Superpowers are your fastest paths to erotic fulfillment and where you probably already have skills as a lover. Based on The Erotic Blueprint Quiz, your report also reveals your Blueprint Shadows: these are obstacles, beliefs and behaviors that are killing your connection to pleasure. Know them and dismantle them!
Your Report also includes your ‘Complete Pleasure Profile.’ You’re more than one Blueprint Type and your Profile shows you how much of each Type you are, opening up new pathways for erotic exploration and orgasmic satisfaction.

2) Own Your Pleasure

Exploring your desires, understanding your needs, improving your erotic skills, are all part of Owning Your Pleasure. Our expert Coaches teach you new techniques, practices, and methods to help you explore what is possible when it comes to pleasure. You Get…

  • The ‘Erotic Secret Sessions‘ Archives* 
    Value $97.00
    Our Expert Coaches deliver trainings about specific techniques and practices for better Solo-Pleasure; Navigating Aging and Sexuality; Creating Safe and Hot Kink Scenes, and how to SQUIRT! Wow! So much fun!
  • The ‘Awaken Pleasure Campfires’ Archives* 
    Value $197.00
    These insightful conversations explore topics likes, How to Have Energetic Orgasms, Overcoming Sexual Incompatibility, & Staying Connected to Your Pleasure. As a member of the Club, you’ll be invited to more scintillating Campfires Conversations.

3) Live Your Pleasure

To Live Your Pleasure you’ve got to know how to get what you want and give what your lover(s) desire!

  • Desires Fulfilled: A Communication Training and Tool Kit
    Value $97.00
    Includes ‘The Sex Communication Checklist’: This is your pleasure menu for endless orgasmic exploration. Over 150 Sex Practices broken down by Blueprint Type and defined in a companion glossary. Discover new turn-ons and end Sexual Incompatibility by uncovering where you and your lover are a perfect match.

    Also includes:5 Secrets of Successful Sex Communication’
    video training. You’ve got to know how to ask for what you want in order to get it. These 5 simple communication techniques are the secret to getting your needs met in the bedroom and beyond.
  • Lifetime FREE Membership to our Online Club!*
    Value = Priceless
    Getting the ongoing support you need to have a thriving relationship and fulfilling sex life is next to impossible. Sex is hidden, buried and shamed in our culture. Erotic Freedom Club™ is our secure and private online community where informed pleasure education and empathetic support are in plentiful supply. Stater members get access to future bonus trainings, live ‘Awaken Pleasure Campfires’ and new ‘Erotic Secret Sessions’ along with members discounts. 

Get Everything You Need to Start
Your Own Ecstatic Journey!

It’s Time...

“So excited and liberated by this work. It has freed up an aspect of our relationship that we have spoken of many times and have never successfully or easily embraced in the physical sense until now. So sending huge amounts of gratitude to all the Blueprint founders and team for sharing this beautiful framework”
~ Pythia – EFC Member ~

“It’s amazing how much support is really offered here.”
~ Jess K – EFC Member ~

Bonus #1 of 5

The Sex Communication Checklist And Video Training

The ‘Sex Communication Checklist’ is your cheat sheet to discovering what you want (and don’t want) to explore in the bedroom!
How often have you wished for the user’s manual to your lover’s body?

“Just tell me what you want and don’t want! Please!”

Stop fumbling around in confusion, wishing you knew what your lover wanted.

How often have you wanted to give your lover the menu for your body’s turn-ons and turn offs?

“Yes! Yes! Just like that! Right there! Oh, Yes!”

Stop hoping they can read your mind, find your perfect pleasure spots and guess how to turn you on.

Use ‘The Sex Communication Checklist’ to put your pleasure all down in black and white and have a specific game plan for how you want to play, explore and satisfy each other’s needs.
Over 150 different sex techniques are defined in the companion glossary and broken down into categories by their corresponding Erotic Blueprint Type™

Because we often leave our pleasure up to guesswork, we’re left frustrated and convinced we’re incompatible.

NOT TRUE: Our lover may simply want different things, or not know what they desire.

This empowering checklist gives you endless options to discover exactly what turns you on.

Compare your Checklist answers with your lover’s… And you’ll find ALL the sexy places where you’re a perfect pleasure match!

Companion Video Training

5 Secrets to
Successful Sex Communication

Put an end to the…

Recurring arguments…

Embarrassment that you don’t know what to say or how to say it…

The fear of being judged or shamed for vulnerably sharing your true desires…

Avoidance of the conversation because you never seem to get what you want anyway…

Or anger you’ll be denied, yet again, when you make a bid for intimate connection.

If you suffer from any of these communication breakdowns, you are NOT alone!

This brief and practical video training will give you 5 easy to apply communication practices to help you have THE SEX TALK with ease.

In fact, you may even have fun getting your desires fed and fulfilled, when you apply these 5 simple tools.

And these practices can be applied to every difficult conversation showing up in your life… not just the sex talk.

(*This bonus is found in our online community. You get Free lifetime access to The Freedom Club, when you accept this Pleasure Bundle Offer)

Bonus #2 of 5

Your 28-Page Custom
Blueprint Report &
Complete Pleasure Profile

Your personalized 28 page report is full of practical tools for pleasures unique to your Primary Blueprint Type.

Your Blueprint Report dives deep into transformational tools to make your sex life better.

Your Erotic Blueprint Superpowers are your easiest path to pleasure, they are your unique path to ultimate satisfaction and where you typically excel as a lover. This report empowers you with a menu of unique pleasure to immediately uplevel your sex life satisfaction.

Your Blueprint Shadows kill your pleasure, and knowing what they are and how they inhibit your turn on is critical.Break these unconscious patterns and get more fulfillment in the bedroom and more freedom as a lover.

Ending Sexual Incompatibility and Fumbling in the Bedroom. Your lover(s) may have a different Blueprint than you. Your report shows you how to bridge the mismatch gap and how your Type plays well with each of the other Blueprint Types.

Quick Pleasure Practices to experience more pleasure right away. Quick 3 minute practices to start discovering easy and safe vitality in your body… because that’s where pleasure lives.

Also in Your Report:

Your Complete ‘Pleasure Profile™’

Your ‘Pleasure Profile’ Unlocks your unique and comprehensive map of orgasmic possibilities.
You are MORE than one Blueprint Type! You’re missing out on so many pleasure possibilities if you don’t know the full range of  your erotic superpowers.

(*This 28-Page Report and your ‘Pleasure Profile’ will be sent directly to your email inbox.)

Your ‘Pleasure Profile’ shows you the percentage of each type that you are.

This powerful knowledge helps you…

Find more pathways to your own turn on, so you’ll always have access to your turn on

Discover more zones of mutual pleasure with lovers of a different Blueprint Type

Ride endless waves of pleasure as you weave together different styles of pleasures

(*This 28-Page Report and your ‘Pleasure Profile’ will be sent directly to your email inbox.)

Get Your Report with ‘Pleasure Profile’ and ALL  5 Bundle Bonuses for Only $17

“So excited and liberated by this work. It has freed up an aspect of our relationship that we have spoken of many times and have never successfully or easily embraced in the physical sense until now. So sending huge amounts of gratitude to all the Blueprint founders and team for sharing this beautiful framework”
~ Pythia – EFC Member ~

“It’s amazing how much support is really offered here.”
~ Jess K – EFC Member ~

“Thank you thank you thank you! So many tidbits I needed to hear, and more importantly, a felt reconnection to the work and the community. Feeling excited to move forward in the course!”
~ Meenal – EFC Member ~

Bonus #3 of 5

Awaken Pleasure Campfires

Hot Topics and Breakthrough Practices For More Fulfilling Pleasure and Connection

The Awaken Campfires are quarterly conversations inside our community, guided by our expert, Certified Blueprint
Coaches™, diving into topics that interest our members most.

Get immediate access to the archives, where we covered topics like…

How to Experience Energetic Orgasms

Overcoming Sexual Incompatibility

Ending the Mind Chatter and Staying Connected to Orgasmic Pleasure

Creating Sustainable Passion for Life

Normalizing the conversation about sex is one of our missions.

Much like sitting around the campfire, toasting marshmallows, and speaking openly about life…

We want the deepest aspects of our sexuality to be easy and fun to discuss.

The Awaken Campfire Archives give access to the recordings of these insightful, supportive and transformational

And your membership to the Club automatically invites you to future sexy Campfire Conversations.

*This bonus is found in our online community. You get Free lifetime access to The Freedom Club, when you accept this Pleasure Bundle Offer)

What EFC Members Have Shared About The Campfires…

“Oh my… I need to watch this several times… So many insights and
inspirations. Thankyou for showing up exactly as you all are 💜
~ Su – EFC Member ~

“Thursday’s Campfire is where we joined and shared stories, from silly to heartbreaking. For days now, I have been sitting with… Each
tale, an opened door to vulnerability, AND a demonstration of
courage, resolve, and freedom.”
~ Chandresh – EFC Member ~

Bonus #4 of 5

Erotic Secret Sessions & Session Archives

Different than the Campfires, these conversations are educational opportunities where our experts give you practices and specific guidance to help you achieve the results you crave.

Some of the archived conversations, available to you the moment you’re in the Club, go deep into…

Kink Scenes: Safety and Hot Surrender

Navigating Aging and Sexuality

SQUIRTING! and Solo-Pleasure

Jump in and devour these tasty and empowering guided conversations, like our current members do…

“Beautiful and very relevant. I am 69 and sex is more enriching than
ever. Sex is a very important practice towards rejuvenation and
health. Cheers to all of you.”
~ Robert – EFC Member ~

“I loved this talk very much… I was shamed very young and that
has left a wound… Excited to start playing in the realms of erotic
creation rather than simply thinking about how fun it could be.
Thank you! 💥”
~ Cherie – EFC Member ~

“I’m just coming into this community. Loving this conversation!
Wow 🤩”
~ Jill – EFC Member ~

(*This bonus is found in our online community. You get Free lifetime access to The Freedom Club, when you accept this Pleasure Bundle Offer)

Get Your Report with ‘Pleasure Profile’ and ALL  5 Bundle Bonuses for Only $17

Bonus #5 of 5

LIFETIME and FREE Membership to our Exclusive, Private Online Community 'Erotic Freedom Club'

Discover a sanctuary where you can Be YOU!

Our virtual community is a place of empathy, support, and growth, where sexual healing and expansion are the norm.

Where else can you go to get authentic, informed, and comprehensive pleasure education?

Open and intelligent dialogue about sexuality is censored and shamed on this planet.

We created Erotic Freedom Club to offer a safer space for a savvy and sophisticated connection around this intimate topic.

Most adults are having sex, or wanting to have sex. We want to empower all adults to do it well and to find fulfillment, connection and satisfaction.

Once Your Are a Club Member,
There Are NO Monthly Fees!

Shed your inhibitions, open yourself up to new experiences, and ignite the passionate flame within you.

We Are a Consent-Based Community!

Go at your pace. Only try what feels safe and exciting for you.

You will not experience unwanted advice or interference. Only get advice if you ask for it and get plenty of encouragement, and acceptance for where you are on your personal journey.

Embrace the Orgasmic Pleasure You Deserve!

Club members have access to a treasure trove of extra video trainings and live bonus calls that focus on themes like: energetic orgasms, successfully navigating kink dynamics, sexual incompatibility solutions, and so much more!

(*You will need to be a member of the Club to access most of the Bonuses that are offered as part of the $17 Pleasure Bundle!)

(Also, There are NO shared memberships. For the safety of the community, we need to know everyone in the club has signed our Community Agreements)

We are always upping our game and finding new ways to support our growing community.

By delivering these bonus offerings in the Club we help assure that you are part of our constantly evolving and improving offerings.

As a Club Member you’ll ALWAYS have something to explore!!!

“A fantastic forum of support, experience,
sharing and celebrations.”
~ Arrisat – EFC Member ~

“I’ve just joined late last year and I LOVE it! The calls
are amazing… and the people are magnificent!
Come play with us!”
~ Patty A. – EFC Member ~

The Entire Pleasure Bundle
is yours
For a one-time investment of only

Extra Bonus!!!

‘Your Blueprint for Pleasure’
Book Club Recordings

with Jaiya

(A 3-Part Series)

To celebrate the release of Jaiya’s new book, ‘Your Blueprint for Pleasure’, Erotic Freedom Club Members get access to these once in a lifetime Book Club Recordings. 

NOTE: You will have to order your own copy of this book separate from the Pleasure Bundle!

Join this intimate conversation with Jaiya and Ian where they reveal
unpublished aspects of Jaiya’s new book, helping to deepen your experience with the transformative practices and revolutionary
framework of The Erotic Blueprints®.

Ester Perel, psychotherapist, author, and host of "Where Should We Begin", shares about the book…

“Whether you’re skeptical, curious, or eager, ‘Your Blueprint for Pleasure’ is a warm and irresistible invitation to sculpt the erotic life you desire.”

It’s time you…

Sculpt the erotic life you desire!

Frequently Asked Questions

You Must be 18 years or older to participate in any of our offerings!

You will need to purchase ‘The Pleasure Bundle’ for $17 and then most of these offerings will be accessed inside of our online community. After you sign up, you will be guided through a simple process where you will sign our community agreements (these agreements are required and provide safety for you and other participants in our community). Then you will be given access to Erotic Freedom Club (EFC), where most of these powerful trainings are located and available to you immediately. Your Blueprint Report will be sent directly to your email inbox.

NO, NO, and NO! Sorry to be so emphatic, but this is very important to us.

Each member must have their own membership. This is critical to help us provide a safer space for all our participants. We need to know that everyone has signed our community agreements and we need to be able to contact every individual in the Club in case someone is not acting in accordance with our Community Agreements.

Once you and your partner(s) have joined EFC, it is free to be a member.

You will have the ability to sign up your partner for their own membership on the shopping cart page during your checkout

Please do not try to bypass this one person, one membership policy. Club membership is free after the initial, one-time and
minimal investment, so there is no reason to sneak a member intoour community. Help us keep this a safe environment for all people to explore this very sensitive and vulnerable topic.

We prefer that members use their real names associated to their profiles, but you are able to use an alias associated with your visible member name.

Your basic membership to our online community is absolutely free, besides the purchase of the Pleasure Bundle. At some point we may be creating a ‘Membership Plus’ service with monthly membership fees, but this will be offered as an upgrade and your Basic membership will not be affected.

We also offer higher level trainings, topic related mini-courses, lifetime group coaching calls, sexy sex life challenges, and other services that do carry their own additional costs. You will hear about these offerings from time to time as a member of the club.
Yes! Club members are afforded steep discounts on our programs and live event tickets. You are also the first to know about special new offerings.

We also occasionally unlock powerful trainings from our Pleasure Vault. Only members have access to these delicious bonuses.

Yes and… We are far from perfect in this regard. Part of what helps us to expand and improve is when members from marginalized communities courageously choose to join us.

The DEI conversation is an active one in our company and we are working with some of our Blueprint Coaches to deepen our DEI processes as we evolve.

We do not allow for discriminatory behavior in this community.

You will come across members who have different backgrounds, communication styles, sexual expressions and different relationship styles than yours. Our view is that lifestyle choices and acts agreed to between consenting adults are to be accepted. Because of the diversity of expression in this community, there may be shares and conversations that you may choose not to read or participate in.

Though you or other members may have strong personal, moral or religious beliefs, judging others who do not hold your same beliefs will not be tolerated. We ask all members to lead with compassion, curiosity, an open heart and an  accepting mind.

Hostility and combative dialoguing in the community thread and on calls will also not be tolerated. Discussion is welcome, but judgment and attack is not.

This is not a platform to express political ideologies. Discretion is advised when posting about topics that bridge the gap between the political and erotic.

We are always attempting to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in this Club. We do our best to use inclusive language and frames within our teachings. However, some of the teachings in the Club have antiquated language and you may not find yourself fully represented in all spaces.

Some of our members will not be versed in gender affirming language and navigating the feelings of those from marginalized communities. We do our best to support all members, however we do not promise that we can support the navigation of difficult conversations for all of our members. We cultivate an environment of personal responsibility where all members are adults whom we expect to evolve their skills for successful and respectful interaction
with others.

This is a community based around the topic of sex and pleasure. You will hear and read explicit and direct erotic language. We seek to normalize a respectful discourse related to these topics, so expect that you may come across some expressions that push your edges.

Posts inside the community do not allow for nudity, depiction of overt sexual acts or otherwise salacious material. Assessment as to whether something meets our community standards is left to our community hosts. Those whose posts are flagged or taken down will be informed as to why your post has been flagged or removed and may be given an opportunity to repost a revised version that meets community standards.

Your ‘Yuck’ may be someone else’s ‘Yum.’

You may not understand why someone else is turned on by something. Do not shame others for their expression. If you feel something is outside the bounds of our Community Agreements, you are invited to report this to a team member rather than confront the community member.
Yes on both counts.

If you are found not to be respecting or abiding by our community agreements, we will first work with you to help you understand how to operate within the agreements. If we do not feel you demonstrate the capacity to operate within these agreements, we retain the right and sole discretion to remove you from the Club at any time for any reason.

If you no longer wish to participate in The Club, you can delete your own profile and reach out to [email protected] to make sure we delete your records in our system, if you wish to be completely removed.
As a matter of fact, YES we do. There may be occasions for you to participate in Erotic Blueprint Movement online classes where we move our way through each of the Blueprint Types. This is a super fun way to embody and better understand how each Type accesses pleasure.

We Can’t Wait to Be Your Pleasure Guides…

The Revolutionary Power of The Erotic Blueprints® Has Been Featured On....