Sex Communication Checklist Glossary

Click on the individual terms below to go to the definition.

Psychological Kinky

Being Dominant

Dominance and submission are widespread sexual behaviors and can be physical or non-physical, and is built around consensual power play. The Dom in the pair is in charge of a given experience, and the Sub submits to their demands and guidance. This can play out psychologically, emotionally, and/or physically. It is common practice to use a safeword that can be called upon by either lover at any time to pause and offer any care that is needed. Look to BDSM resources for more information, as there is so much to play with in these dynamics!

Try it! Find within yourself the parts that are strong, assertive, and creative – the parts that want to pave the way of and shape an experience. Dominance in sexuality is taking control, deciding and demanding action, and in doing so feeling wholly powerful and caring of the submitting lover.

Being Submissive

Dominance and submission are widespread sexual behaviors and can be physical or non-physical, and is built around consensual power play. The Dom in the pair is in charge of a given experience, and the Sub submits to their demands and guidance. This can play out psychologically, emotionally, and/or physically. It is common practice to use a safeword that can be called upon by either lover at any time to pause and offer any care that is needed. Look to BDSM resources for more information, as there is so much to play with in these dynamics!

Try it! Play with releasing the habit of control in your body. Can you release into the way your lover makes demands of you, touches you, grabs you, moves you, holds you? There are so many ways to submit, sexually, and it comes down to the energy of submission which is to let go and, in doing so, receive.

Mind Sex

When a dominant overpowers a submissive’s mind, sometimes manipulating them into believing something is happening that is not (ex. burning or branding that is actually an ice cube), and sometimes through the potency of words spoken and how they were delivered (ex. descriptive dirty talk of plans for your body). This can happen through sensory deprivation – dark rooms, eye masks, ear plugs. It can also involve restraint to bring in even more elements of surrender. 

Try it! Practice this with a partner you already have a trusting relationship with, and make sure you know ahead of time of any triggers, absolute ‘no’s’ and physical allergies. This can be a beautiful experience of surrender, and is also inherently very vulnerable so take exceptional care of the submissive partner and negotiate conditions and needs ahead of time.

Being a Sex Slave

An expression of dominance and submission, a sex slave is a person who has willingly abdicated their agency, and given ownership over to a dominant partner. This can be just in sexual interactions, or more comprehensively throughout life. Submissives may be expected to keep a house, provide emotional support, respond to sexual commands, and ask permission to partake in activities outside of the relationship. This relationship structure can also integrate punishment and reward.

Try it! A key part of this relationship is that the dominant and submissive agree to all points of the ownership before entering into the contract. Power is being surrendered by the submissive, never taken without consent. Within that, talk with your potential partner in this framework and find out what would most satisfy each of you in these roles, and build the relationship on shared agreements.

Explicit/Naughty Talk

Sexually explicit or indicative ways of speaking with the intention of building anticipation and enhancing pleasure. This ranges depending on the people involved, and is something to be explored for you – someone else’s dirty talk may not be what turns you on, or it may set you on fire. 

Try it! Start by noticing what feels hot to you – is it very explicit or more subtle, for example ‘I’m so wet right now,’ or ‘caress me all over,’ or ‘I want you inside of me.’ Naughty talk comes from what turns you on, so let it be an exploration of your desire and your lover’s.


Play that evokes a range from mild embarrassment to intense shame, often in dominance/submission contexts. This can also range from verbal humiliation to physical humiliation (done to the submissive, or ordered to be done by the submissive). 

Try it! This world is determined by your imagination. Start by considering what makes you feel shy and vulnerable, or where you feel intimidated to do something. Being ordered to give a striptease could be humiliation play for someone who finds that energy daunting. Behaving like an animal with animal toys could also be humiliation play. It can be a way of deepening trust with a lover and taking yourself into scenarios that feel out of your comfort zone, but that you would like to try given support or motivation.

Punishment/Rewards Play

Part of dominance and submission play, punishment and rewards are ways to establish wanted behaviors in the relational context whether they are sexual only, or also in a lifestyle sense. Punishments and rewards will be specific to each person, so this type of play is another great way to understand yourself and your partner better!

Try it! For someone, spanking may feel like a punishmentand for someone else a reward, so get exploratory in finding out what you consider negative and positive. A good place to start when thinking about how to reward is by considering their character – erotic blueprints and love languages are a way to hone in on what will be most satisfying to receive and what might deter.


One lover ‘owns’ the other, whether just in the space of kink scenes and sexuality, or more broadly into daily life. 

Try it! The terms of ownership are something that are agreed to between the dominant and submissive lovers. If you are interested in a lifestyle version of ownership, it can look like the dominant deciding what the submissive wears each day, or any other decisions that you agree to. It can be a requirement to address a dominant in a certain way, for example ‘sir,’ ‘madame,’ etc. You can also play with this exclusively in your sexual sphere. When playing with how to own or be owned, feel into what about power dynamics feels sexy, satisfying, relieving for you and your partner(s).

Owning Genitals

In a dominant and submissive dynamic, the dominant partner literally owns the submissive partner’s genitals. This can be a spoken understanding, and can manifest physically as a chastity belt which restrains the submissive partner from having physical interaction with their genitalia. 

Try it! This is a very direct way to play with power. The submissive partner becomes dependent upon the dominant partner and their desires for genital stimulation. There is a quality of binding, which can also increase a sense of closeness between lovers.

Orgasm Control

Disrupting the flow into orgasm, either solo or partnered, to intensify the sensation or deny the sensation completely. In kink, it is a part of power play and a way for a dominant lover to give and take away from a submissive lover. 

Try it! Communicate with your lover first, to get a sense of what brings them close to orgasm. As you attune to each other’s bodies, your ability to sense their closeness may increase without requiring verbal communication. As they get close to their climax, change what you are doing – focus on another part of the body, change the way you touch them, or withdraw your touch entirely.

Cross-Dressing (Gender Play)

Wearing traditionally masculine or feminine clothes, with the intention of exploring a gender expression outside of your own. 

Try it! Gender play can lead to sensual satisfaction, through wearing textures that are normative for one gender or another, like lace or silk. It can also be an exciting way to shake up dominance and submission if those roles tend to fall into particular counterparts in your relationships. Partners can also use items like dildos, strap-ons, silicone breasts to enhance the appearance and experience of a particular gender.

Fantasy Play

Creating scenes or playing in the world of fantasy, which is open to your imagination and what you and a lover agree to explore together!

Try it! This can involve playing a character – librarian, intruder, boss, vampire, etc. It can involve exploring sex with more than one person – a threesome, foursome, voyeurism or exhibitionism. It can also mean having sex in a new place – in public, on a plane, etc. Fantasies are the wild areas of your erotic imagination that create such rich possibilities for play, so let yourself explore this internal landscape!


Role-play is a way to try on a new way of being, new behaviors individually, and new dynamics between lovers.

Try it! Some roles you may think of are professor and student, repair person and homeowner, strangers, boss and employee. Feel into which dynamics are hot for you, and let yourself sink into the embodiment of a role to open up new possibilities in your sexual and sensual experience.

“Forced” Pleasure

Consented to by both partners in a dominant and submissive container, the submissive partner agrees to receive pleasure with no say in how much or when it ends. This can be achieved with the use of bondage, toys, your lover’s body, and time.

Try it! Make sure the submissive lover feels ok with the potential of multiple orgasms and intense stimulation. If it ever becomes too much, communicate (a safe word makes it simple) and stop immediately to allow the submissive partner to regain safety. Within that context, explore the myriad ways to give your lover pleasure and keep it going for as long as you, the dominant, choose.

Psychological Restraint

Bondage that utilizes verbal commands, rather than physical restraints like ropes, scarves, or cuffs. Instead, a dominant lover may command their submissive to stay in a particular position or place in the room. You can combine this with reward and punishment.

Try it! As the dominant partner, command your partner to stand against the wall, or keep their forearms connected while you touch and pleasure them. If they maintain the behavior, you may choose to reward them, and if they slip or break out of the mental restraint, you may choose to punish them. All of these are conditions to communicate and navigate before trying on the play practice.

Being spit on

Having a lover spit on your body. Spitting on and being spit on can feel naughty and exciting, as they’re generally looked on as taboo or less welcome in public. 

Try it! Communicate with your lover(s) and see if they are comfortable spitting on you. If yes, spit can be a fun part of power play and can be a way of dominating and expressing power over your lover in a moment. It can also signify claiming a lover. See where in your sexual play spitting feels most natural, and play away!

Interrogation Scenes

Based on police interrogations, particularly the ‘dirty cop’ archetype, this can be an exciting way to play with power in your lovership. It starts with getting clear on a piece of information that the submissive partner knows and the dominant partner wants to find out…

Try it! Get as in-depth as you want with scenes! You can be in costume, set the ambience, build up the anticipation. Once in it, the dominant partner works to get information out of the submissive partner by whatever means necessary (within the context of what has been explicitly agreed to before starting the scene). This can involve toys, sensation play, orgasm control, tickling, whatever feels hot to you and your lover. Let this role-play steep you both in the power dynamic and light up the energy between you.

Financial Domination

A relationship that is often non-sexual in which a submissive gives over money to a dominant person, either as a one time payment or regularly scheduled payments, or handing over bank login information so that the dom can take as much as they want (though the terms of how much and how are negotiated beforehand, and internal ethics apply). This is for the pleasure of the submissive who wants to give up financial control to another person, and in return they may want to see the ways that person is treating themselves, or some other form of reward. Findom may be combined with humiliation as well, for the purpose of pleasuring the submissive partner.

Try it! Financial domination usually takes place online and with relative strangers, so you can search the internet for existing dominatrixes. If you want to enact this within an existing and/or in-person relationship, negotiate your comfort level and communicate to understand why this would be satisfying for both the submissive and dominant partner, and how to care for each in the scenario.

Foot or Boot Worship

An act of dominance and submission, the submissive partner may gaze upon, compliment, lick, and polish the dominant’s boots, and sometimes is stepped upon by them. These are expressions of adoration for the dominant and their power. It can also be used as humiliation play if the submissive is embarrassed by the act of kneeling in this way. 

Try it! Take your dominant and submissive relationship in this direction to experience the energy of worship, giving and receiving. As the dominant partner, maybe you give orders for how your submissive interacts with your boots. Maybe the submissive worships according to their desires, and you sit back and receive.


In a dominant and submissive relationship, the submissive gives over control of their daily appearance to the dominant partner. The dominant partner can choose their clothes, makeup, hair style or color. Sometimes lovers use this as a way to encourage themselves/their partners into new types of expression, or expressions the other finds particularly attractive. It is also a way for the submissive to surrender control in another aspect of life, which can be deeply satisfying.

Try it! For a day, let your partner choose your appearance for the day, or choose it for your partner. Notice how it feels to you – edgy, exciting, relaxing, sexy, frustrating. Whatever the reaction, if it satisfies a part of you, try it for another day and then another. Maybe it will become a norm in your dynamic, or a short-lived experiment.

Sensation Kink Play

Sensory Play with Restraint

Sensory play (ex. ice cubes, candle wax, feathers, etc) combined with restraint of some part of the body (ex. Wrists, ankles) which can add in the energy of surrender for the one being restrained, and power for the one playing. 

Try it! Tie yourself or your partner up, and bring some sensory toys with you! When restrained, there is also a power dynamic at play, which can make teasing and anticipation-building extra fun.

Wrist Restraint

Restraining yours or a lover’s wrists with ties, scarves, ropes, cuffs, etc. usually with the intention of submitting power to the other.

Try it! You can use items that are already in your home, or go out and buy something that turns you on! Tie/hook your restraints around the wrists and then either tie the wrists together or to a stable object in the room, like bed posts.

Ankle Restraint

Restraining yours or a lover’s ankles with ties, scarves, ropes, etc. usually with the intention of submitting power to the other.

Try it! You can use items that are already in your home, or go out and buy something that turns you on! Tie/hook your restraints around the ankles and then either tie the wrists together or to a stable object in the room, like bed posts.

Spreader Bars

Also called bondage bars, spreader bars are a great addition to any kinky toy collection. They keep your legs open during playtime with a rigid bar stretched in between two ankle cuffs. Some also cuff at the thighs, or have wrist cuffs that connect to the ankle cuffs, folding your body in half. 

Try it! Spreader bars can be exciting for lots of reasons, not least that they bring in an element of submission and surrender. If you’re curious, there are many versions out there so do your research online or in a store and try it out!


When (often a bottom) hangs above ground during sexual play to be stimulated by (often a top). They can be suspended by rope, cables, silks, etc. The suspension can be complex, like Shibari rope tie, or more simply functional.

Try it! This way to play brings in an element of submission and power play, which can be deeply satisfying for all participants. Because it is a highly physical way to play, it’s important to learn and practice before taking it into a charged sexual space. There are guides online, books, and rope-tying classes in many areas. Look around and explore!

Whole Body Constriction

Restraining the body from multiple points, so that the whole body is severely limited in its ability to move. Common ways to constrict are by tying the body to pull the shoulders in towards the knees (fetal/ball tie), and tying the wrists and ankles together behind the body (hogtie). There are many variations that you can learn to compress and restrain yours or a lover’s body.

Try it! Look into online guides, books, or local classes to learn safe ways to constrict yours or your partner’s body.

Shibari/Intense Rope Tie

Shibari is an artistic style of rope tying, and an opportunity for the lover being tied to release into the direction created and given by the tying partner.

Try it! Shibari workshops and classes are offered in many places, and are a great place to start learning the safe ways to tie your partner, and how to set an intimate container for the practice.

Predicament Restraint

Play that forces a submissive partner to choose between one discomfort and another, which is also a choice between two sensations. The sensations might be staying still while receiving stimulation and holding a burning candle that can spill on them. Predicaments can also be much more physically intense, involving ropes and chains. You can also explore mental predicaments, obeying an order or risking the disappointment of the dominant. This play can easily be combined with punishments and rewards. 

Try it! Start simple and safe if this is new, and always communicate boundaries and needs within your partnership. Talk about the ways that this framework could be hot for both of you, and build your scene to meet those desires. Research, research, research and take a class if possible before delving into any of the more risky physical play.

Genital Binding

Various ways of binding genitalia, for example tying up the cock and balls to restrict blood flow and increase sensation. Be sure to include aftercare into your play! You could try warm towels to encourage blood flow, very gentle massage, and prepare for any emotional and psychological sensitivity as well!

Try it! Look for guidance on how to bind genitalia, as the area is sensitive and you can injure the body. Do your thorough research, and get thorough consent from the receiving partner.

Intercourse Combined with Restraint

Restraining some part(s) of the body while engaging in intercourse. This can be restraining wrists, ankles, full body tied up.

Try it! Find your restraint, decide how you or your lover would like to be restrained (and communicate if there are any ways you would not like to be restrained), and make the tie!

Oral Sex Combined with Restraint

Restraining some part(s) of the body while giving or receiving oral sex. This can be restraining wrists, ankles, full body tied up.

Try it! Find your restraint, decide how you or your lover would like to be restrained (and communicate if there are any ways you would not like to be restrained), and make the tie!

Holding Hands Down

Restraining your lover’s hands without using any props, pinning them down by the hands.

Try it! When on top of your partner, pin them down to the bed by their hands, pressing down and not allowing them to use their hands.

Holding Legs Down

Restraining your lover’s legs without using any props, pinning them down by the legs.

Try it! When on top of your partner, pin them down to the bed by their legs, pressing down and not allowing them to use or move their legs.

Erotic Wrestling

Embracing the eroticism available in wrestling – the satisfaction of pushing against and pulling away from your lover’s body, the sweat and struggle and power play, the fight to be on top. 

Try it! The game of wrestling is trying to pin your ‘opponent’/partner/lover to the ground. In any way that you can, get on top and stay on top of your partner, pinning them down, unless of course you want to lose and be pinned yourself.


Restraining your lover’s breath while in erotic/sexual play, by putting pressure on their throat.

Try it! Communicate with your partner before trying in a passionate moment, and even practice the amount of pressure you might apply before doing so with the weight of your body involved. Choking/asphyxiation is a sexual act that can bring on dizziness and a sense of lightness that can be so pleasurable!

Hair Pulling

Grabbing a handful of hair and pulling, creating an intense scalp sensation, often in concert with other dominant sexual behaviors like restraining, spanking, etc.

Try it! Reach your hand into your lover’s hair, grab a handful, and pull the hair backwards. Make sure to communicate about what feels good and what could be potentially uncomfortable for your lover’s neck!

Silk Ties/Sashes

For those that like binding and being bound, but want the luxury of a silk hold. Silk ties can be used to bind the body to itself or to furniture, and are a softer option than rope or chain. 

Try it! If you love the feeling of silk on your body and are curious about bondage, give silk ties a try! Tie ankles or wrists to furniture, to each other, let your imagination be your guide and always check in with your partner being tied up to make sure they are ok!

Bound to Furniture

Binding yourself or your lover to a piece of furniture, like a chair, bed, or other structure in the room. 

Try it! Find a tie that feels sexy, pick your furniture, and bind your lover. Binding them to the furniture invites them to surrender to your direction, and can be a big turn on!

Other Restraint

Other restraints available to you or interesting to you!

Try it! The idea is the same, and you may need something softer or more solid depending on what you’re wanting to do with your partner – remember that even a verbal command with punishment and reward attached can be a strong restraint! With any restraints, communicate well the person being restrained, and notice if your restraint material is likely to slip and constrain more tightly, especially around sensitive parts of the body.

Ball Gag

A ball, attached to a strap or scarf wrapped around the back of the head, and set in the mouth behind the teeth. This can be a fun way to experience submission, especially if combined with forms of restraint that limit mobility.

Try it! There are many ball gags available online and in stores, so shop around and see what you’d like. Be gentle with your first try, as you may have a sensitive gag reflex. It’s a great toy that can both satisfy desires for restraint and dominance and submission, as the ball gag prevents the wearer from speaking.

Bit Gag

This is the same idea as a ball gag, but is instead shaped like a bar. Many gags are made of silicone, so they are soft and can be bit down on when you are deep in your pleasure. 

Try it! Depending on feel, you may prefer a bit gag to a ball gag. They also range in size, and press into the sides of your face at the corners of your mouth, and take more space within and around your mouth.

Hand Over Nose/Mouth

Having similar effects to choking, this constricts the breath of the person being covered. It can be a really juicy experience of trust and surrender for the receiver!

Try it! Always communicate when restricting breath flow! When giving your partner pleasure in whatever way you both like best, cover their nose or mouth with your hand.

Open Mouth Gag

Open mouth gags are constructed to hold the mouth open, and can be used to enhance and intensify oral sex, especially if you like playing with dominance and submission in your lovership. 

Try it! With this toy that keeps your lover’s mouth open, you can use your imagination as to what you want to put inside of their mouth. For the lover receiving, the submission and vulnerability can send you over an edge. Always communicate needs and boundaries for both partners beforehand.

Open Mouth Gag

Open mouth gags are constructed to hold the mouth open, and can be used to enhance and intensify oral sex, especially if you like playing with dominance and submission in your lovership. 

Try it! With this toy that keeps your lover’s mouth open, you can use your imagination as to what you want to put inside of their mouth. For the lover receiving, the submission and vulnerability can send you over an edge. Always communicate needs and boundaries for both partners beforehand.

Love Taps/Spanking

Hitting your lover’s butt with the palm of your hand. 

Try it! Slap your lover’s butt with your hand! You can play with how hard, if you spank and leave your hand on their butt, if you spank and release your hand right away, if you want to spank and then grab.

Face Slaps

Slapping your partner’s face! The sharp sensation can be heightening and really pleasurable.

Try it! Communicate about intensity as the face can be more sensitive than other parts of the body. You can slap lightly with just your fingers, or more vigorously with more of your hand.

Pounding with Hands

Try it!

Riding Crops

A whip without a lash, and at the end is instead a soft piece of leather. 

Try it! Riding crops are great for tapping and whipping your lover. If they love being spanked, they may also love this! Try out different levels of intensity and parts of their body, and see how much pleasure you can give with this tool.


More impact play! Paddles are made of different materials, and all have a wide paddle-shape that can hit a large area at once – great for spanking!

Try it! Play with frequency and intensity, and find the sweet spots that can offer you and lover the most possible pleasure! Think of the paddle like an extension of your hand that has a slightly different sensation of impact.


Whipping is an action in impact play. To hit a lover’s body with an impact toy, as an extension of the hand, is to whip. This umbrella covers different varieties of whips and floggers

Try it! Feel into what sensation you might like best – hard and inflexible or soft and spreading across a wider body area. To whip is like spanking, but with an impact toy rather than your hand. Always communicate needs and boundaries, and make sure that the impact is within a safe (physical and psychological) range for the submitting partner.


Impact play where one lover strikes another lover’s body with a cane, with the intention of creating pleasurable/painful sensations. 

Try it! As canes are made of harder material, they should be used on the softer fleshier parts of the body to be safe with impact. Butt, thighs, and palms and feet. Always communicate with the lover receiving to make sure that the impact is within a safe (physical and psychological) range.


Floggers have one solid end which is used to hold the toy, and one flexible end which is used to whip the lover. The flexible end can be made of very soft and light material like suede or silk, or thicker and denser material like leather.

Try it! Impact play is a great way to use toys in a dominant and submissive dynamic! If you’re interested in flogging, and what to see if you’d like it, you can practice whipping yourself or a lover with something soft like a t-shirt or towel. If that gets you hot, go check out, online or in stores, the many options of flogging toys and enjoy!


Squeezing flesh between your thumb and forefinger (or your whole hand), to varying degrees of intensity.

Try it! Does your lover love it when you grab them? You may want to try pinching, either with several fingers to cover a broader area, or just the thumb and forefinger to create a more localized and intense sensation. Always check in with the person you’re pinching to make sure it feels amazing and pleasurable.

Biting Hard

Biting down on your lover’s flesh until you create a sensation of pleasure/pain. 

Try it! Always ask, and maybe start with a nibble to see how your lover feels about being bitten. If it turns them on, bite down a little harder and maybe even more. You can bite many places on the body – neck, hips, butt, legs. Let your appetite be satisfied!

Drawing Blood

Using a sharp object to draw blood (from a safe part of the body) to stimulate arousal, and maybe enhance feelings of fear, anticipation, trust, and surrender. 

Try it! Drawing blood can be a very intimate and trust building and expressing experience. Because it is a risky form of play, always gain explicit consent and agree to terms, and take great care of the lover who is being cut. Use sterile equipment, stay away from veins and arteries, have emergency supplies nearby, and seek out instruction from a teacher or written resources to cultivate a safe container.

Vaginal Fisting

When a partner inserts their whole hand/fist into a lover’s vagina. 

Try it! Fisting can leave the receiver with pleasurably full sensations! Although it’s called fisting, keep your hand in a beak shape with your thumb pressed to your other fingers, and you will have the most room to play if your partner is fully wet and receptive so take your time and find the utmost pleasure.

Anal Fisting

Making the same beak shape of hand as with vaginal fisting, inserting all fingers of one hand into a lover’s anus.

Try it! Anal play should be moved into slowly, and the tissues are very sensitive. If you are new to anal play, start with one finger and then start to add up if your partner enjoys the sensation. Always check in to make sure the sensation is pleasurable and communicate if it becomes too much!


A combination of bondage, sensation play, and massage to send your body on an intimate and expansive journey. 

Try it! Learn more to see if you’d like to find a local practitioner, or learn for yourself at home!

Breath Play

Restricting the flow of breath to increase arousal and stimulation. You might enjoy the trust required and experienced between partners, the power of being the partner restricting breath, and/or the experience of limited airflow.

Try it! Common ways to play are holding your own breath during sexual play, pinching the nose or covering the mouth, or choking. If you are restricting your partner’s breath, by covering nose or mouth or choking, communicate beforehand to make sure it is ok and communicate about the amount of pressure that they want you to put on their neck. Breath play comes with risks, and so needs to come with care.

Body Fluid Play (Ejaculate)

Playing with your own or your partner’s ejaculate, whether on the skin, internally, or orally consumed. Ejaculate play can be a very intimate bonding experience, and many feel that it carries the energy of devotion and worship. Others engage with ejaculate play as a form of humiliation and degradation. 

Try it! A common version is swallowing your lover’s ejaculate during oral sex, but you can also massage ejaculate into skin, run it through hair, and use it as a lubricant. Whatever you and your lover agree to and feels sexy within your play is on the table! As with any time you engage with someone’s ejaculate, there is a risk of STI/STD transmission, so be sure to all test before engaging in this form of play.

Body Fluid Play (Urine)

Peeing on a play partner or being peed on by a play partner for arousal and stimulation! Urine play can be part of a cultivation and expression of trust between you and your partner, it can bring something that we do alone into a relationship which can feel kinky and taboo, and it can be a part of power play. 

Try it! Consider hydrating well before engaging in pee play, and avoid foods and drinks (ex. Coffee and asparagus) that give pee a more intense scent. If you’re concerned about clean up, you can take your play into a shower or bath, or buy a waterproof blanket. Always get consent before peeing on a lover, and then see if it gets you hot!

Body Fluid Play (Blood)

Sexual play created around arousal at the sight, scent, smell, feel, or taste of blood. Blood play can also tie in intimately with power play, as drawing blood is a powerful and vulnerable experience. Some versions of blood play don’t involve piercing skin at all – period sex, smearing blood-like substances on the body – while others involve cutting oneself or one’s lover.

Try it! If you are interested in blood play, seek out a class or resources for playing with safety. Always use sterile tools, have emergency supplies nearby, and stick to drawing blood from less risky parts of the body – avoiding veins and arteries.

Body Fluid Play (Poo)

Sexual play involving poop! You may be aroused by the smell, sight, or texture of poop, and if so you can bring it into your sexual play.

Try it! Ways you might play are by smearing poop on yours or another’s body, pooping on someone, being pooped on or watching someone poop, or eating feces. Always gain explicit consent before bringing poop play to a play partner. If you find that you like it, there are also ways to tailor your diet to make your poop consistently healthy (odor and texture) which can enhance the pleasure of this kind of play.

Strap-on Play

For lovers without penises, a strap-on can be a great way to try on a new energy in bed! Strap-ons can be a part of switching a power dynamic, offering penetration in a deep way, and playing with gender expression and experience.

Try it! There are so many strap-on options out there, so shopping will be fun! This strap-on penis gives you the opportunity to penetrate your partner with more than your fingers, and an option alternative to a dildo. You can play with vaginal, anal, or oral penetration, so let the imagination of your lovership take you somewhere pleasurable!

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